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Dire Alliance: Horror Design Diary 5 - SCENARIOS

Writer's picture: Scottie MickScottie Mick

In dire times, alliances are not forged from trust and loyalty, but rather desperation and mutual cause...

Greetings, all. David Thompson and Trevor Benjamin here, designers of Blacklist Games’ upcoming Dire Alliance: Horror, launching on Kickstarter October 27. This article is the Fifth

in a series that delves into the game.

In previous articles, we provided overviews of the leaders and factions in the game, as well

as the two modes — Battle and Raid. This time we’re taking a look at scenarios and the board.

The board in Dire Alliance: Horror, is double sided, with one side depicting the Darkwood,

and the other side featuring the Fallen Gate. Each side of the board has five associated

scenarios — two for Raid Mode and three for Battle Mode. At the beginning of the game, players decide which scenario they want to play by selecting the corresponding scenario sheet. For your first Battle Mode game, we suggest the Beaten Path scenario, which takes place on the Darkwood side of the board.

Beaten Path

The eerie forest on the outskirts of Gothenrook is aswirl with infernal magic and primordial

evil. The maps may call it Eleven Forest, but its ancient name is much harder to pronounce,

thus it has been hence named the Darkwood. It is within this macabre woodland that old,

hated factions clash once more in a battle to control the feeble mortal world so desperately

waiting to be enthralled. All roads in the Darkwood lead to bloodshed.

The front side of the Beaten Path scenario sheet
The back side of the Beaten Path scenario sheet

Battle Mode is played over the course of several game rounds until a player wins by completing the scenario’s goal. In Beaten Path, a player wins by claiming three of their opponent’s objectives.

The Darkwood

The game board is broken up into several areas. Each area on the board may contain any

number of fighters, and each area is considered adjacent to another area if they share a

border line. Each area also contains a line of sight designator. These designators are used to

determine what fighters can see from their current area. To determine if a fighter can see

another area, you draw an imaginary line from the sight designator in the fighter’s area to

the designator in another area. Fighters and other components on the board do not block

line of sight.

Once you’ve learned the basic rules in Beaten Path, there is much more to explore. Each

scenario sheet includes special setup, special rules, and the goal for that particular scenario.


And that brings our series of articles to a close. We hope you’re as excited about Dire

Alliance: Horror as we are!

Remember, Dire Alliance: Horror is launching on Kickstarter on October 27, along with Blacklist Miniatures' Horror Series 1 set, and Day 1 backers get the exclusive Count leader for FREE! Click here to sign up to be notified at launch!

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